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Health Services

We know our students are learning at their best when they are happy and healthy!

Student Policies

To minimize the spread of illness, DO NOT send your child to school if they have:
  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Uncontrollable coughing
  • Eye: Excessive drainage or watering; discharge; itching; redness

If a child has had fever, vomiting or diarrhea they should remain at home until they no longer have the previously stated symptoms for at least 24 hours without the use of medication. 

If your child has an infectious illness which requires medication that involves antibiotics (i.e. strep, pink eye, etc.), according to the State of Texas guidelines and district policy, the child must be on medication for at least 24 hours before they are allowed to return to school.

Exclusion from School Policy

Influenza (Flu) Facts 

CDC Flu Prevention

Bacterial Meningitis Information 

Immunization Information

Students must meet immunization requirements of Texas prior to the first day of school.  Records must be provided to the campus office and/or nurse.  Immunization requirements can be found at the below links:

Requirements by grade level 

Conscientious Exemption

Campus Nurses

Michelle Brimage

Locations: Chandler Elementary

Floretta Dean

Locations: Brownsboro Intermediate

Emily Epperson

Locations: Brownsboro High School

Erika Myer

Locations: Chandler Intermediate

Peyton Richardson

Locations: Brownsboro Elementary

Diana Williams

Locations: Brownsboro Junior High