Enrollment Dates
Returning Students-
Beginning April 1, 2024, online student registration will be open for returning BISD students for the 2024-2025 school year. This easy, one-stop process through Skyward Family Access will allow the primary parent and/or guardian to verify (or request changes) to your child’s information that we (as a district) need and are required to maintain such as home address, phone numbers, emergency contact information, etc. This is an essential part of registration as student schedules and classroom assignments will not be able to be created for your child until your child is registered online. Thank you in advance for your help with this process! Click on the applicable tab below for instructions if needed.
New Students-
Enrollment for new students going into Pre-K, Head Start and Kindergarten is open! Click the "New Students" tab below for instructions and how to get started!
Dual Residency-
For questions about dual residency, please contact Angie Parker at the administration building at parkera@gobearsgo.net
Enrollment Instructions
Questions? Please contact your student's campus secretary or registrar below:
Leslie Sexton, PEIMS Coordinator
Email: sextonl@gobearsgo.net