Brownsboro ISD has called a VATRE – Voter-Approval Tax Rate Election (also known as a School Funding Election) – to continue offering high quality programs that prepare students for college or the workforce while also retaining and recruiting the best-quality teachers in the area.
As with most school districts across the state, Brownsboro ISD adopted a significant deficit budget for the 2024-2025 school year following legislative inaction to update an outdated school funding model. State funding for school districts has not been updated since 2019 despite substantial inflation, leading to budget shortfalls in school districts across Texas.
Brownsboro ISD adopted a deficit budget of $700,000 for the 2024-2025 school year to provide staff with a 2% raise and teachers with a step raise on the teacher scale. If approved by voters, a VATRE would generate nearly $415,000 for the 2024-2025 school year and an additional $150,000 in funding from the state. These funds would be used to protect class size ratios, prioritize continuing high quality student programs, and continue to assist with staff retention and recruitment.
If a VATRE is approved by voters on November 5, 2024, the district’s Maintenance and Operations tax rate, or M&O, would increase by 3.17 cents and the Interest & Sinking (I&S) tax rate would decrease by 3.17 cents.
The 2024-2025 Maintenance & Operations (M&O) tax rate is $0.7552, and if a VATRE is approved by voters, this rate would change to $0.7869 (additional 3.17 cents). The Interest and Sinking (I&S) tax rate would be decreased from $0.3400 to $0.3083 (decreased by 3.17 cents). The overall tax rate in 2023-2024 was $1.0975 and if the VATRE is passed the overall tax rate for 2024-2025 would be $1.0952.
VATRE Introduction Video
What is a VATRE?
● State law requires that school districts seek voter approval to raise their tax rate above a prescribed amount. The election is referred to as a Voter-Approval Tax Rate Election, or VATRE.
● Brownsboro ISD's VATRE asks voters to consider a 3.17 cent increase to the district's Maintenance and Operations (M&O) tax rate since there will be a 3.17 cent decrease in the Interest Sinking (I&S) tax rate. In Texas, M&O budgets are used to fund daily operations, such as salaries, student programs and utilities.
● These 3.17 cents are classified by the state as "copper pennies," meaning all funding generated from this increase would stay within Brownsboro ISD.
● School boards are required to adopt the M&O rates provided by the state with the exception of any funds provided through "golden/copper pennies" and/or approved by voters in a VATRE.
If passed:
Marketing Materials:
VATRE Information from Jon Lundmark, BISD Director of Finance
VATRE Presentation Schedule
VATRE Presentation
Information for Voters
Important Dates
October 7, 2024 | Voter Registration Deadline
You MUST be registered to vote by October 7, 2024 in order to take part in the November 2024 election.
October 21, 2024 | Early Voting Begins
November 1, 2024 | Early Voting Ends
November 5, 2024 | Election Day
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is a Voter-Approval Tax Rate Election?
- How is a VATRE different from a Bond?
- Why is BISD calling for a VATRE after recently passing a bond?
- Why is BISD considering a VATRE?
- How does this affect my student?
- How does this affect teachers and staff?
- How can a decrease in the tax rate generate additional money for the district?
- Does BISD use tax dollars wisely?
- How are BISD's Operating Expenditures funded?
- Will my tax rate go up if I vote for the VATRE?
- What is the estimated property tax due?
- What would this mean for my taxes?
- Would this affect homeowners ages 65 and older?
- What happens if the VATRE is not approved?
- What will the ballot say on November 5, 2024?
What is a Voter-Approval Tax Rate Election?
How is a VATRE different from a Bond?
Why is BISD calling for a VATRE after recently passing a bond?
Why is BISD considering a VATRE?
How does this affect my student?
How does this affect teachers and staff?
How can a decrease in the tax rate generate additional money for the district?
Does BISD use tax dollars wisely?
How are BISD's Operating Expenditures funded?
Will my tax rate go up if I vote for the VATRE?
What is the estimated property tax due?
What would this mean for my taxes?
Would this affect homeowners ages 65 and older?
What happens if the VATRE is not approved?
What will the ballot say on November 5, 2024?