January 16, 2025:
Brownsboro ISD announced that it will hold a public hearing to discuss the 2023-2024
Texas Academic Performance Report next month.
The Texas Education Agency recently released TAPRs for schools and districts
throughout the state. TAPRs pull together a wide range of information on the
performance of students in each school and district in Texas every year, according to
the TEA. Performance is broken down by student groups, including ethnicity and low-
income status. The reports also provide extensive information on school and district
staff, programs and student demographics.
The public hearing has been scheduled to take place during a regular Brownsboro ISD
Board of Trustees meeting, which will begin at 7 p.m. on Feb. 10 at the ISD
Administration Office, in 14134 State Hwy 31E in Brownsboro, TX.
Click here for more information for Brownsboro ISD's state accountability reports, including the entire
2023-2024 TAPR for the district.